Saturday, December 11, 2010
30 is the new 20....right?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
There is a first time for everything...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Really?!? Has it been 1 month already?
- ~ You were 6 lbs 14 ounces at your last check up at 2 weeks. I am guessing that you are close to 8 lbs now- you took a huge growth spurt last week.
- ~You drink 3.5 ounces of milk every 3 hours
- ~ You are always the one that wakes up first and lets us know that it is time to eat....and buddy you are usually right on the minute to 3 hours. It is must take after your daddy on promptness. ha
- ~ You have the cutest little thing you do right before you cry each breathe in and out of your nose really fast then make this sound like a goat before you break out into a cry.
- ~ You had a fussy spell last week (during your growth spurt), but now you are as content as you can be.
- ~ You LOVE your swing.
- ~ You do NOT like the TV flashing in your eyes at night. We have to put a blanket up on the side of your swing to block the TV
- ~ You really like tummy time and lying on your back on the floor- kicking and looking around.
- ~ You love the Baby Einstein lullaby DVD- you just sit and stare forever...You sat content for over an hour today watching it.
- ~ You are eating really well now- you did NOT eat well at first. It used to take forever to feed you, but now you eat pretty fast. When you are just start to blow bubbles to let us know that you are done.
- ~ You are beautiful and we love you more and more every second of every day!
- ~ You were 8 lbs 3 ounces at your last doctor's visit at 2 weeks and I am guessing that you are knocking on 9.5 lbs now.
- ~ You drink 3.5 ounces of milk every 3 hours.
- ~ You would probably keep sleeping if we didn't have to get you up to eat every time you brother eats just to keep you on the same schedule. You are a heavy sleeper.
- ~ You just now started to cry a little more than normal the past couple of days... maybe you are going through a growth spurt like you brother did last week.
- ~ You have the cutest little pucker you mouth into the shape of an O and do this "oooooo" sound...SO cute
- ~ You already know how to "work it" with your pout. You have know how to stick out that bottom lip since you came into the world.
- ~You LOVE your swing and the "white noise" sound while you are sleeping.
- ~You love the Baby Einstein DVD really like to stare at things and people.
- ~ You smile a LOT! You have been cracking smiles since you were 2 weeks...and you do it at just the right time..which makes us think it truly might be on purpose! :)
- You are gorgeous...and we love you more and more each second of every day.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Lead Me!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
2 weeks in review...
...and here is Lucy!!! Lucille Adair Laney- born at 8:05 a.m.
Halloween was extra special this year- It was grandaddy's birthday, and he got 2 little pumpkins for his present! He was more excited about this present than any other present I have ever given him...ha! Nonna also had a birthday just 5 days before the twins were she also got this amazing birthday gift! Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!
These past 2 weeks have FLOWN by. I can't believe they are already 2 weeks old. They will be teenagers before we know it. We sit and stare at them a lot! We are just overwhelmed by this amazing gift from Heaven.
I have to add a small sidenote... I want to remember all that it took to get to this point. I never want to forget the struggle to get pregnant with these angels. I can't understand why some of my very dear friends are reading this post right now wondering why God hasn't granted them the baby that they desire. I will never understand why some have to wait longer than others or why the pain is so extreme that it literally hurts every fiber of your being while you are waiting. Please remember that if you are reading this and you are still waiting- miracles do just happen- silent prayers are answered and God has an AMAZING plan for you.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
They're HERE!...and they are perfect!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Miracle...
I know when I see these little faces in a week and 4 days...I will see another reason why this has been worth it! As of now, I am LOVING the little kicks and hiccups and literally cry when I think of how I only have such a short time to have them all to myself like this. Although, this has been a very challenging has been the best experience of my life. I have looked forward to this all of my life, and nothing can steal my joy!
I will leave with a few pictures of how our house is changing and turning into a home ready to "bring home babies":
I am a little obsessed with these car seat covers! Love them...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Trust or Sink?
Also, our Doctor gave us a C-section date of October 20~ we are so excited to have a plan and a date! She just talked to us about this last night. She seems to think that there is no reason that I wouldn't make it 4 more weeks. I sure hope I can- then we will be taking these babies home with us! That was an unheard of dream to us about 4 weeks ago. We toured the NICU and got our minds prepped to see our sweet little angels in those incubators. We knew that God would provide and take care of these babies that He loves more than we do...but it was an extremely hard pill to swallow to think of these helpless babies being poked on and prodded on. We know that now at 33 weeks, these babies would be the "growers and feeders" in the NICU if God decides that they need to come on into the world...what a blessing!
"And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." Matthew 14:28
If you've read this account before, you'll remember that the disciples were in a boat and Jesus came walking toward them on the water. The Bible tells us that Peter called out to Jesus and said, "Lord, if it is you, bid me to come to you on the water." Jesus told him to come and Peter walked on the water for a while. Then he began to look at the boisterous winds around him and when he did, he began to sink. The next thing we see happening is Peter crying out to Jesus to save him.
As I thought about this account, I noticed that Peter had the faith to call out to Jesus and ask Him to let him come to Him, and at Jesus' word He stepped out onto the water. When Peter began to sink, he had the faith to call out to Jesus to save him. But if you'll notice, he did not have the same faith in Jesus when he looked at the "storm" around him. We are no different than Peter- we have faith in the Lord to step into the water, and if we get in trouble and start to sink we have faith in Him to save us, it seems that our trouble comes in the "middle" of the storm. That's when we have trouble believing and trusting Him. I trust Him to get me out there, I trust Him to save me when I sink, but can I trust Him when I'm in the storm and it's raging all around me? Do I have the faith to believe that He can keep me afloat? Do I forget Who is with me on the stormy sea? Most people find it hard to walk "with" Him in the storm.
This is where our problem lies. When Peter was sinking, Jesus asked him why he doubted? In other words...why did you doubt that I would take care of you while you were out here? We must learn to trust Him while we are in the boat, when we take that first step out of the boat, when we are sinking... and while we are going through "boisterous" times.
Monday, September 6, 2010
a day in my life
My days up here are pretty good. I have made friends with everybody here at the hospital...I am even getting some special treats from the Snicker's icecream bars! yum! I really am not having a bad time up here...the bed is comfy, my meals are good, and the nurses will remain lifelong friends. There is always good in everything...and I am determined to find the good all day long! Also...Ava got to come visit on Saturday. She nearly bit a nurse for giving me a shot, but besides that, she did really well. She was sooooo sweet- she curled up by my belly and slept all day. I miss that little dog so much! :(
Thursday, September 2, 2010
We're Still Truckin'....
The doctor told me today that I will be here until 34 weeks unless, the twins decide to come before then.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
2 hearts beating wildly
"Congratulations, twins"
One boy, one girl
Two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives,
And for a moment the whole world,
Revolved around one boy, and one girl
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
One Wild Ride!
The contractions finally started to loosen up and my cervical length was still good and long. I sat in this room on an IV of mag, fluid, antibiotic, catheter, pulse monitor, blood pressure cuff, and scuds on my legs for 2 days...there was no window in the room- Cal and I were literally going crazy! I am not even sure what we did with our time. I think we just stared at the wall. I was moved over to the ante-partem unit on Saturday- which is like a "graduation" from labor and delivery. A big nice room with a WINDOW, computer, refrigerator, DVD player, shower, and all of that fun stuff. ha
It is now August 10 and I am still here and probably will be until mid-August or more. They want to keep me here for sure until I am 28 weeks. I will be 28 weeks next ONE MORE WEEK! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow!!! BIG celebration!
Jack and Lucy are doing great...they are still playing around- great heartrates and they look great on the ultrasound. The ultrasound that we had on Monday proved that my cervix was still good and long with no changes. PRAISE GOD> the Dr. called my contractions, "worthless contractions"- so that made us all feel much better. We are now playing around with meds to stop them...well, not stop them ...but slow them down a bit. So far, I am still having them pretty regular and they are wearing me out- literally! I am exhausted at the end of the day, even though I sat in the bed all day.
I just keep telling myself that I would much rather be the one hooked up to monitors and IVs than Jack and Lucy. They are as happy as they can be right now, and that is the way it needs to stay. Each day that I am here hooked up to all of this junk is one more day that they will not need to be! That is re-assuring.
Please pray for us- pray for our determination and strength, and that God continues to do His will in all of this.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
For this reason we never become discouraged. Even though our physical being is gradually decaying, yet our spiritual being is renewed day after day. And this SMALL and temporary trouble we suffer will bring us a tremendous and eternal glory, much greater than the trouble. For we fix our attention not on the things that are seen, but on things unseen. What can be seen only lasts for a time, but what can not be seen lasts forever. 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
We are fixing our attention on things unseen. God's plan is the ultimate and I KNOW with all of my heart that HE will provide and take care of us.
I have been having a LOT of early contractions and had to be admitted into the hospital twice during the past week. I am on meds that are somewhat controlling the contractions. I am on bed-rest and will be until these little angels arrive. I am trying to stay focused and controlled and non-emotional, but it is hard. I know that the more I am on an even-kill, the better it is for the babies. I am trying to be solid and calm. I take that back....God is being solid and calm through me, because without Him, I would be a total mess. I have a feeling that this whole situation is harder for the people around me than on me.
I am just asking for your prayers. Please pray that Jack and Lucy stay safely inside until they are full-term and healthy. I am 25 weeks and 1 day Doctor is setting short-term goals for me- so the BIG goal as of now is to get to 28 weeks. So, 3 more weeks, then when we get to that point, we will set a new goal, and so on.
On another note: Here are some new pictures of the nursery in progress.... I obviously can't work on it anymore, so I am so thankful that we have gotten done what has already been done. Check out the furniture that my mother-in-law glazed for us. Isn't is gorgeous?!? I am LOVING the nursery! I love to go in there and just sit and stare. The curtains will be in next week. I am covering lampshades in pink toile for Lucy to match her bedding, and one in blue toile to match Jack's bedding. My sweet sorority sister, Christie, is painting canvases for above their beds with thier "master circle" monograms. Also, I am looking for some little hanging coat-racks to hang above their night-stands and lamps for thier "coming-home" outfits. Also, we (Cal and my mom and dad) are putting an extra shelve under the changing to table to put slide-in baskets for all of the changing equipment. I am so excited to see it all coming together!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
mini-Cal and mini-Adair
Cal's mom, Suzan was able to go with us to the 1st ultrasound here in KY. It was fun to see Lucy and Jack moving all around and watch as they measured so perfectly in every area. I was 21 weeks and 1 day and they both measured right at 21 weeks and 1 day on pretty much everything- EXCEPT- Jack's legs literally measured 23 weeks long HAHA... guess he is going to take after his 6'6" daddy! Also....take a look at their feet! These pictures do not do it as much justice as seeing it in person. The tech was even laughing about Jack's BIG feet! She was using the same zoom on both photos...I hope that the difference is as noticable in these pictures as it is in person...