Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 months!!!! Time flies when you are having fun!

- You are such a mover and a shaker! You are always on the go!
- You still sleep from 7p-7a and you take 2 naps from 9-11 and from 1-3 (it is lovely) You still lie down in your swing from 5-5:45 for a short cat-nap in the afternoon!
- You still take 8 ounces every 4 hours (mostly breastmilk)
- You are extremely hard to feed! You would much rather be jumping than eating! Eating is surely not the highlight of your day LOL!
- We just started you on some Prevacid and we are saying prayers that maybe you can now relax and eat!
- You are going in for a swallow test this week because I am certain that there is something going on with your suck and swallow reflex. You just have the hardest time swallowing. Your eyes will get all red and start is so sad!
- You are really not into baby food either! You will close those lips as tight as possible even before the first bite. I am thinking that you might be our picky eater ha!
- You REALLY don't like bananas...I have never seen such a reaction from you when we gave you your first bite of bananas. You pursed your lips like we had given you the most sour lemon around! :)
- You LOVE to watch this certain part of Baby Einstein where the duck and the horse are sharing 2 balls and 2 airplanes. You will stop and just smile during the whole part (I know...I am bad mother...allowing my children to watch Baby Einstein...shame on me)
- You are super long!!! You are in the 75th percentile in height! Somebody is tall like daddy!! :)
- You love the jumparoo and now are loving to scoot around in the walker.
- You are sitting unassisted and reach and grab toys that you want to play with.
- I was so proud of you for making your 1st choice the other day! I held 2 of your favorite toys in front of you and you looked them both over really good and thought really hard, and then grabbed the teething ring! Your 1st thought out choice! :)
- You can roll in both directions: back to front and front to back
- You are such a happy baby! Your laugh is contagious! You will just crack up laughing at Ava! It is hillarious!
- We love you more and more every day, my sweet little man! You are just gorgeous!


- You are such a dainty little lady- you are very slow in all of your movements
- You still sleep from 7p-7a and you take 2 naps from 9-11 and from 1-3 (it is lovely) You still lie down in your swing from 5-5:45 for a short cat-nap in the afternoon!
- You still take 8 ounces every 4 hours (mostly breastmilk)
- You are extremely easy to feed! You will finish an 8 oz bottle in 5 minutes flat! It is nice that I can feed you first while your brother plays...he doesn't give two hoots or a holler about eating. haha
- You have had your first little cold this month. You just had a little bit of a runny nose and a small handled it like a champ!
- You are starting to get some more hair! Such pretty blonde hair!
- You like to eat baby food! You started blowing bubbles in your food a lot, but after I told you "No" and gave you a stern looked at me with such a sad face and you NEVER did it again! You are already showing such an obedient spirit!
- You really like squash and sweet potatoes!
- You and your brother LOVE to watch this certain part of Baby Einstein where the duck and the horse are sharing 2 balls and 2 airplanes. You will stop and just smile during the whole part (I know...I am bad mother...allowing my children to watch Baby Einstein...shame on me)
- You are in the 75th percentile in height! Somebody is tall like daddy!! :)
- You love the jumparoo (you just stand there and sway mostly) and now are loving to scoot around in the walker.
- You are sitting unassisted and reach and grab toys that you want to play with.
- You get SO excited when we get you up from your bed in the morning and up from naps. You just giggle and wave your arms around!
- You can roll in both directions: back to front and front to back
- You are such a happy baby! Your laugh is contagious! You will just crack up laughing at Ava! It is hillarious! You and your brother are both just loving Ava!
- We love you more and more every day, my sweet little princess-girl! You are just gorgeous!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I can't believe how big they are! OMG! I love it! I also think you are doing such a wonderful job at record keeping with these monthly posts, the kids will love it when they get older. :)