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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer, Summer!!!

I love summer, but I don't love that I am teaching summer school every morning! I am really enjoying the children, but I am ready to have a few days to sleep in before the madness of the beginning of the school year kicks in.

Cal is now officially a 3rd year resident and is starting a new rotation today that will have him up and out of the house at 7:30 each morning with me. I have had a hard time getting up to leave while Cal slept in during my summer "break". ha!

I have been doing monogramming projects everyday for the past week...and now I think I am caught up...well I think I am...I JUST had a lady walk in my classroom and order 5 aprons as I was typing.

I am heading to the POOL this afternoon!!! All I want to see is THIS

ALL afternoon....well....minus the ocean in the backgroud, but I could always pretend! right? ha!

Check out the new SPA items that are added to the embroidery blanks section of my website! Let me know if you would like to order anything!!!!

Have a great Wednesday!!!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Oh, I want that pool, but I want it with the ocean in the background. How nice it would be to hear the ocean, just laying on the beach reading a magazine. Ah.

I am sure Cal is not enjoying waking up as much as you are enjoying having him up with you. :)

Your new monogrammed items are adorable!