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Monday, July 7, 2008

2 weddings in 2 weeks!

I had the privalege of being involved in two of my best friend's wedding this past month. Christina and James Crane were married on June 7, 2006. They met through Christina's mom and have been iseperable every since. The wedding was beautiful and so was the bride! They are now living in Lafayette, LA. James is an engineer on an oil rig out in the ocean, so he is gone ALOT! Christina is trying to get used to having her husband gone so much! Keep her in your prayers!

I was also so blessed to be apart of Leah and Tyler's big day! Leah and Tyler met about 4 years ago and both knew from the start that they would be together! They are truly an amazing couple. I can't wait for many more memories for years to come with the Bardens! It was such an honor to be apart of two such dear friend's special day!

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