Happy 5 months, my sweet angels! It seems like this time is flying by way too fast for my liking. I want to keep you little forever, but yet, I want to see you bloom and grow into healthy, happy young man and woman. You are both just blossoming in front of our eyes!
- You are around 15 pounds.
- You drink 8 ounces of breast milk every 4 hours (I pump the milk for you)
- You still sleep all night from 7 to 7
- You still take 2 long naps from 9-11 and from 1-3
- You are very in love with your momma...you ALWAYS have to keep your eyes on me...and I love it!
- You will whine until I look at you and then you will just smile so big!
- You have just started using your hands so much more.
- You have really bloomed into a little social butterfly! You are a people person!
- You can roll from front to back and back to front!
- You will roll all over the floor, so we had to break out a much bigger "tummy time" blanket!
- You are such a happy and good baby.
- When you smile, you smile with your whole body... you just shake all over when you smile!
- You still like to be swaddled to sleep (I know..I know...I am trying to break you of the swaddle)
- You are IN LOVE with your daddy! You just stare at him with such love!
- You have a deep voice like your Nonna, and your little giggle is so deep and cute!
- You love your jumparoo and we have already had to bring it up a level. You had to stand on a little wooden cutting board for a while, but within a few days, your feet touched the floor- you are growing so fast!
- Your nickname is "Lucy Ladybug"...and you are SUCH a little lady. You hold your hands so daintily together and when we pick you up, you throw your left hand out in this prissy little position and just look all around and take everything in!
- You have started eating oatmeal cereal with a little prune juice every afternoon.
- You like to blow bubbles in every bite of food (we are trying to stop you from doing that- but it is so cute) You are really a good eater, though! :)
- You have stolen my heart, little princess!
You are almost 15 pounds.
- You drink 8 ounces of breast milk every 4 hours (I pump the milk for you)
- You seriously take your time to eat...it takes you FOREVER!
- You still sleep all night from 7 to 7
- You still take 2 long naps from 9-11 and from 1-3
- You are very into everything around you. You just get intrigued with little things and you have such a long attention span.
- You love to jump and jump and jump...you are very active!
- You have just started using your hands so much more- you want to literally touch everything!
- You are starting to bloom more and more into a people person.
- You can roll from front to back like a pro!
- You are such a chill and happy little guy!
- You smile and giggle when you are tickled and when you are jumping!
- You still like to be swaddled to sleep (I know..I know...I am trying to break you of the swaddle)
- You are IN LOVE with your daddy! You just stare at him with such love!
- You love your jumparoo and we have already had to bring it up a level. You have such long legs...you didn't need anything under your jumper to help you touch the floor..You are super long!
- Your nickname is "Jackerman"...and you are SUCH a little boy. You get dirty so much sooner than your sister, and you are only 5 months old...I think that this much be a foreshadowing for the future! ha
- You have started eating oatmeal cereal with a little prune juice every afternoon.
- You really like to eat your oatmeal- you are getting REALLY good at eating!
- You have stolen my heart, little man...I am so glad to watch you grow!