This past week was my Spring Break! I SO love that I still get a spring break...
ahhh the joys of teaching ha!
It has been a great week. I have just taken it easy, relaxed, and hung out with friends.
Wednesday night, we had supper club at Elizabeth and Walt's. They served the BEST fajitas. We had the best time sitting and chatting.
Thursday, my best friend, Ashley (Kenzo) and my god-daughter
Madyson came over to visit.

Mady has grown up so much! Ash and I sat and chatted for a while, then took Mady to the
Homewood park and then to eat at
O'Charlies. I have never eaten at
O'Charlies...but it was pretty good. The rolls were
sooooo good! It was so nice to spend some good, quality girl-time with
Kenzo (Ashley). She and I go
waaaaay back. We were in elementary school together, and she used to torture me about all of my crazy outfits. Believe me, I had some
doozies...[picture neon colored MC-Hammer pants with matching tops]....this is no joke folks.
haha Kenzo and I hung out Friday morning and made omelets before they made the track back to Memphis. I am so glad you came to visit
Kenzo! :)
Friday afternoon, Cal and I went for a long lunch at Dave's pizza and sat on the porch with Ava (they let dogs on their porch). It was the perfect afternoon. We sat for a while and watched some of the basketball games (or shall I say, Cal watched some of the basketball games) while Ava barked at every passer-by. My oh my...what are we going to do with her? We then went for a long walk around Homewood park, where every single child asked to pet Ava...she was the star of the show! ha She wouldn't have it any other way!
We are just going to spend the next few days doing the same thing...just relaxing...until I go back to the "real world" on Monday. I only have 2 more months at Riverchase Elem. I am going to enjoy every last minute of it! Hope everyone has a great weekend!