Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, August 30, 2009

100th post! (and a give-away)

After yet another blogging hiatus...I'm back...and realizing that this is my 100th post in the blog world! ha! And YES...I am going to do a 100th post giveaway! I am going to give a white monogrammed robe to one of you that leave a comment on this post! I will do a random number generator to decide the winner. It could look a little something like this:of course...font and color will be your choice!
And speaking of monogramming....
Here is a slideshow of most of my Fall designs. They will be on the right side of the my website if you need them in the future.
Last, but not least, we threw a baby shower for our sweet friend Shanna at my friend Lissette's home this weekend. She had a great turn-out and went home with a lot of cute things for baby Elana Grace! Here are a few pics from the shower:

Here is the proud soon-to-be mommy Shanna- she just opened the gift that I made for baby Elana Grace!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday! Can't wait to see who wins the giveaway!!! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So... i saw this photo on Mck Mama's blog and laughed so hard i cried.. is this not the most amazing thing you have ever seen. LOVE it!
Anyway.... school is going GREAT!- here are a few pics of my classroom:

GOSH....I am going to miss this school.... (not going to think about it yet)

I have the SWEETEST group this year.... God would have it so that I could leave with a bang! I am loving every minute of it!

OH....Cal decided to cook out literally EVERYTHING in our deep freeze the other day....
we were up until midnight trying to do all of it haha!Look who is SOOOOO in thier element! ha- like a kid at Christmas~
How cute is he?
So...we cooked all of the meat (deer, duck, lamb) in our house, and are STILL eating it- 1 week later....but hey, I'm glad because the less I have to cook during the 1st week of school the better! :)
Hope everyone is having a great week!
If you have a chance- read Psalm 13- great chapter during times of adversity- a constant reminder to ALWAYS sing unto the Lord- How GREAT is our God! (always)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

a confession.... pictures...just a confession about why the blog has been left un-edited for so very long....

I am feel like I am just coming up for air from a VERY long time of being held violently under raging water. Actually...we both feel that way, Cal and I. We are coming up for fresh air, and it smells oh so nice. God has such an amazing way of giving us grace right when we need it.
Lots of things going on around here. Cal and I are stronger in our bond than no worries there. :) We just need lots of prayer. LOTS of decisions to be made...
I am so sorry that I cannot go into detail right now, but I will when the time is right. I am just asking for you (all 2 of you that read my blog ha) to PRAY- please pray for the Laney family.