...ON Sunday..... Lissette and I were the decorations committee for our annual JCRMA (resident's wives club) new member brunch. I had a GREAT time decorating and hanging out with everybody!
Welcome Bags that we made for the new members
The planning committee:
me, Katie, Areta, Leah, Elizabeth, and Lissette
onto another topic....
Could my "purple" thumb be turning............."green"??
I dunno....we shall see........
....if these plants stay alive....then maybe we will have hope! :)
Tuesday....Ale' and I went to eat at SUMO! Ale' was my student teacher last year. I really miss seeing her daily and all of our talks. It was wonderful to see her and sit and chat the other day!
On Monday (yes...I am going backwards in the week)....I hung out with these two cool little people!
I am sure you have heard of Caroline already on this blog....I taught her in Kindergarten....I can't believe she is going into 2nd grade this year! wow! time flies when you are having fun! I babysat Caroline and her little brother Trevor on Monday morning and had a BLAST!
I am relaxing....getting pumped up to start on my classroom this weekend...and finishing a few monogramming orders!
If you are a teacher....when are you starting back? are you doing anything different to your classroom this year? Anybody have good ideas for making EASY curtains for the classroom?