Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Old Crew"

Oh....I wish I was
in the land of cotton...
old times there...
are not
Look away....
Look away....
Look away...
Dixie Land!!!
In Dixie Land, where I was born in,
early on one frosty mornin',
Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land.
I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray! In Dixie Land I'll take my stand to live and die in Dixie. Away, away, away down south in Dixie. Away, away, away down south in Dixie!!!!!!
A small selection of the "Old" crew got together in Bham this past weekend and had a blast. It took us all back to old college days of grilling out and hanging out on the porch! The "Old Crew" by definition is a group of guys and girls that have been together through thick and thin... through boyfriends and girlfriends, the grove, and late nights, but still were able to sit together and listen, inspire, reason with and confide. I love all of you....

Pig-tailed Princess

Ava's groomer did a new cute little hairstyle when she went on memorial day! She is our all-american princess! haha! Enjoy the pics from our photo-session. (Just so you know....she DOES sit on command and "pose" for these pictures- she is so used to it...she knows exactly what to do) oh my...our future children should start worrying now about the amount of flash thier little eyes will see from our cameras.. ha :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Letting Go... fly butterfly fly!

Yesterday was the last day of school- I was told that it gets easier each year to let the children go- but I am still not convinced of that fact. I cry like a baby each year that they leave me. It is so neat to watch them grow and I am just so grateful for the opportunity that God has given me to participate in this amazing profession. Something very neat happened on our last day of school- OUR BUTTERFLIES RELEASED FROM THIER CACOONS!!!
I was really thinking that it wouldn't happen before school was out- but God made sure that it did! It was such a symbolic moment to say goodbye to the butterflies. The kids said, "We enjoyed watching you grow little butterflies"- and I was able to look at them with tears in my eyes and say "I SO enjoyed watching YOU grow- sweet little ones- I loved each and every second of it"! Some started to cry with me as we held each other and said "good-bye"

Bye bye little butterflies- spread your wings and soar!!!!

I always read "The Kissing Hand" at the end of the year- if you haven't read that story- you need to- it is about a baby racoon that is scared to go to school and his mommy kisses him in the palm of his hand- so when he misses her- he can press his palm to his cheek and say "mommy loves me, mommy loves me"

So...I kiss the palm of each sweet little hand...and tell them to always remember, "Mrs. Laney loves you, Mrs. Laney loves you"!

I'll miss you my little butterflies!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kreative Blogger award!!!

Ale' gave me this blog award! Thanks Ale'!!! Ale' is my new best bud...she was my student teacher- although I think she taught me more than I taught her. I'm so glad to have a friend like her in my life!
I love getting awards!!! Don't we all! ;)
Here are the rules:
1. When given the award, you list 7 things that you love.
2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love.Be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard.)
Here are my 7 things that I LOVE:
1. The Holy Trinity
2. Cal
3. Ava
4. My parents
5. My friends
6. Teaching
7. crafts and projects of ANY kind!
Here are 7 bloggers that i LOVE:
1. Nicole
2. Jill

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Teachin em' right!

This has been a year-long ordeal- the kids in my class chant "Hotty Toddy" ALL of the time! They even write books about Ole Miss! I taught them once and they caught on to it.. I ONLY taught them "Hotty Toddy, Gosh almighty"- but somehow they aquired the rest of the cheer from their parents. They are so cute when they say it- I'm sure I made some Bama and Auburn parents mad! Haha...but they ALL say that they are going to go to college at Ole Miss. Good thing...why would you want to go anywhere else?!? haha!!!! Enjoy the video!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A whole lotta bloggin... I'm a teacher and it is the END of the blogging has kinda taken a back burner for a while. I have been so busy my head has been spinning! Here is a quick catch up of our lives lately:
"The kids" made these cute canvases for their moms for mothers day (with my help of course ha) - the moms loved them!!!

drumroll is my FIRST monogramming project!! The ribbon and monogram are really a very bright purple- but for some reason looks blue in the picture. I made it as a birthday present for my mother-in-law... she had curly hair growing up and got the nickname "Suzy-Q"- Cal and I thought it would be fun for a gardening basket! What do ya'll think??

Brad graduated from Law school and Luke a.k.a. "Laser" graduated from undergrad! We are so proud of them both!!!(FYI Brad and Laser are Cal's younger brothers)

Brad and his traditional graduation picture with his mom!
The whole Laney crew...
Brad, Suzan, Cal, Mimi, Luke, and Chuck
Internal Medicine Spring Party
Lissette, Areta, Elizabeth, Leah, Sarah and I
me and Cal
Lissette and I...

Elizabeth gettin her groove on...

I am going to be SO much better about blogging when this school year is over! Who else is a teacher and understands??? :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hotty Toddy!!! there is no place like OLE MISS!!!

Even if you aren't an OLE Miss fan, this video is neat to see. Todd Wade, former OLE Miss and pro football player, said the students must've organized a "rave" the night before exam week. Now, what this entails, I have no idea. I'm assuming they got "motivated" beforehand to "study" maybe?