- You are taking 8 oz (most of the time you do not finish) 3 times a day. 8, 1, and 8
- You always have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are also really into your snacks!
- You will eat pretty much anything that we eat. I just fix dinner for me and daddy and you will eat anything that we cut up and put in front of you! Baby food is no longer at our house! ha! You want to feed yourself... you will not let me put a spoon toward your mouth any longer! bittersweet!
- You are still sleeping from 8-8 at night and 2 naps during the day... 10:30-12:30 and then from 3-5. You have a snack at 5 and then dinner with mommy and daddy at 6:30 or 6:45.
- You start the whole "bedtime" routine around 7. bath, brush teeth, books, bottle and bed.... (lots of B's haha)
- You are not really into your electric toothbrush... you would rather brush your teeth with the motor off. :)
- You are standing on your own now and took your first 2 steps to me from your daddy this month. We started cheering and scared you and you cried so hard tears started streaming... you really haven't tried to do it again since then..haha... I'm so sorry we scared you, sweet girl!
- funny fact to record: you have ALWAYS done this...and it is hillarious. You are scared to DEATH of a bag popping (i.e. when you pop a new garbage bag to put it in the garbage can) You will watch us do it and then just break DOWN in tears. The noise does not appeal to you at ALL!! haha You started to react this way to a bag popping at around 3 months. You are so funny!
- You are cruising and crawling everywhere and can climb on top of furniture. Much to your avail... you can climb on top of the couch and then you will fall. You are learning how to back down off of the couch using your feet.
- You can climb the stairs and you get so proud of yourself when you get to the top.
- You are "Miss Independent" .... i sing that song to you often. You have such an independent spirit and it makes my heart so proud.
- You love to crawl all over the back yard and play in the leaves. You actually kicked your feet in the dirt and liked it... that is NOT like your momma even one little bit. As a child... I would FREAK out if my hands touched dirt, sand, or leaves! haha
- You are so communicative. You talk with your eyes... it is amazing!
- You can say the words: "ava" (a-w-a), momma, da-da, ball, wa (water), nonna, hi
- You love Jack and watch him all of the time. Ya'll are starting to play together to sweetly and it is already obvious that he is starting to be your protector!
- You had cow's milk for the first time this month and you are not too fond of it! you will stick your tongue out and let it run out of your mouth when you take a drink... it is so funny.. I know you will start to like it soon! :) You usually take about 3-4 days to get used to something new, but you are extremely good with transitions.
- You click your tongue constantly... such a cutie!
- This year sure has flown by... and I have loved every second of watching you grow. There has been so many hard times, but every hard time had it's own reward. Being your mommy is the most amazing, wonderful thing I have ever done.
- You are taking 9oz of formula 3 times a day. 8, 1, and 8
- This month... I am utterly sure of the fact that our amazing Lord has worked a miracle in you. You went from not eating one bite of food to now clearing your tray at almost every single meal. Cal and I will always be convinced that God put his healing hand on you... you had a true food aversion, and it is like God just reached in and flipped a light switch. You LOVE food now.. PRAISE GOD!
- You always have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are also really into your snacks!
- You will eat pretty much anything that we eat. I just fix dinner for me and daddy and you will eat anything that we cut up and put in front of you! Baby food is no longer at our house! ha! You want to feed yourself... you have NEVER wanted me to feed you anyway! ha
- You are still sleeping from 8-8 at night and 2 naps during the day... 10:30-12:30 and then from 3-5. You have a snack at 5 and then dinner with mommy and daddy at 6:30 or 6:45.
- You start the whole "bedtime" routine around 7. bath, brush teeth, books, bottle and bed.... (lots of B's haha)
- You are really into your electric toothbrush... you start crying and whining and reaching for your toothbrush when we are finished brushing your teeth! ha
- You are standing on your own now.. but only for short periods of time.
- You LOVE balls... you throw them, catch them, try to dribble them.. and you say the word "BALL" every time you see one! haha
- You are cruising and crawling everywhere and can climb on top of furniture. Much to your avail... you can climb on top of the couch and then you will fall. You are learning how to back down off of the couch using your feet.
- You can climb the stairs and you get so proud of yourself when you get to the top.
- You are mommy's boy lately, but have recently started to become ALOT more attached to your daddy... you go into a DEEP cry when he leaves the room! You are becoming quite obsessed with "dadeeeeeee" as you call him! :)
- You love to crawl all over the back yard and play in the leaves. You started copying "daddeeeee" (of course) and started tossing the leaves into the air and watching them fall. You loved it!
- You are becoming so much more communicative. You have your own opinions and you let them be known! ha
- You can say the words: "ava" (a-d-a), momma, da-da (daddeeeeeee), ball, bok (block), nonna, hi, da (dog)
- You love Lucy and you get so concerned if she is crying. Ya'll are starting to play together to sweetly and it is already obvious you are starting to become her protector! She was stuck in her bumbo the other day, and you crawled right over and helped push her out of it. I actually caught it on video... it was TOOOO sweet!
- You had cow's milk for the first time this month and you really liked it. You love to drink it out of your straw sippy cup. (you rather drink from a straw) :)
- You are really playing with your sounds and words this month... you will just let of strings of consonant/vowel combos.
- This year sure has flown by... and I have loved every second of watching you grow. There has been so many hard times, but every hard time had it's own reward. Being your mommy is the most amazing, wonderful thing I have ever done
December 2024
3 days ago