The twins are going to be 5 months before I finally make thier 4 month post..geez..I am behind!
You are so smiley all of the time!
You are eating 8 ounces every 4 hours. You are still taking breastmilk.
You are sleeping from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
You are still doing great with naps from 9-11 in the morning and from 1-3 in the afternoon.
You still take a little "cat-nap" in the afternoon in your swing from 5-6
You can roll over from front to back (when you want to)
You are experimenting with your voice a LOT lately... you make this funny sound like you are gagging and you think it is so funny.
You have a DEEP voice like you Nanna
Your little giggle is simply to die for
You like to jump in your jumparoo (the Dr. told us to only let you touch with the balls of your feet, so we are going to have the raise the jumparoo soon)
You love to be out and LOVE to smile at everyone you see!
You are not fond of being kept up any longer than your expected naptime and bedtime.
You can reach and grab objects and bring them to your mouth.
You have not yet discovered how to get both legs jumping at the same time. You just sort of sway from one foot to the other.
You are extremely laid back and lady-like. You will just sit and stare and are not very hyper.
You will go to sleep wherever you are if you are kept up past the time you are supposed to go down for bed-time or nap-time.
You are SIMPLY amazing and we LOVE to cuddle are our little chunky monkey!

You are sort of a serious little guy...but smile every time we talk to you!
You are eating 8 ounces every 4 hours. You are still taking breastmilk.
You are sleeping from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
You are still doing great with naps from 9-11 in the morning and from 1-3 in the afternoon.
You still take a little "cat-nap" in the afternoon in your swing from 5-6
You can roll over from front to back (when you want to)
You are experimenting with your voice a LOT lately... you scream at the top of your lungs...not in a mad way...just trying to see what your voice can do, then you bust out laughing.
You have a deep little laugh, that sounds like a boy.
Your little giggle is simply to die for
You like to jump in your jumparoo (the Dr. told us to only let you touch with the balls of your feet, so we are going to have the raise the jumparoo soon)
You love to be out and just stare at everything!
You are not fond of being kept up any longer than your expected naptime and bedtime.
You can reach and grab objects and bring them to your mouth.
You have discovered how to get both legs jumping at the same time. You want to jump constantly!! haha
You are extremely hyper... you want to constantly jump and be on the move.
You will not go to sleep wherever you HAVE to keep an eye on what is going on around you. haha You are JUST like your momma!
You are SIMPLY amazing and we LOVE to cuddle you...and give you always open your mouth and smile when kisses are headed your way!
Happy 4 months my sweet angels.... we seriously thank God every second of every day that you are in our lives and that we get the opportunity to watch you grow!