Jack and Lucy are really easy babies, to say the least, and every step of the way gets easier and easier. I am loving every minute of being able to stay at home with these babies. I want so badly to keep up with all of the firsts and new things on this blog so I can turn it into a book for them one day. I promised myself that I would not make this blog only about my children...but right now that is the only thing I have to write about, because, my life IS my children. They are way too much fun. Yes, I am still taking time for myself. I have help every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I can go to the gym, grocery shopping and to my Junior League meetings and such...but other than that...Jack and Lucy are center focus!
I am so amazed at how everything evolves.... 2 weeks ago, they started taking a 7.5 oz bottle every 4 hours and started a nap schedule. They nap from 9-11 and 1-3. Those naps were taken together, all snug as a bug in rug in their little swaddlers side-by-side in their pack and play. It was my favorite site to see...those little chubby cheeks, usually turned in the same direction, sleeping soundly with the comfort of the other beside them. Well, we are getting older now, and starting to notice each other, and wake each other up. So, Jack started yesterday napping in his own bed, and Lucy followed him today. They are still swaddled and cute as can be, but they are UPSTAIRS in their OWN beds for nap time...just like big kids! :(
Why, oh why, did I want to cry when I looked at that empty pack and play during nap time today...it is supposed to be this way, right? They are moving into a normal schedule, and "POOF" my "newborns" are GONE...!