Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2 hearts beating wildly

Have you heard the song "One Boy, One Girl" by: Collin Raye....
well, I have cried my tears for the day~ ha~ what great lyrics
He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned,
"Congratulations, twins"

One boy, one girl
Two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives,
And for a moment the whole world,
Revolved around one boy, and one girl
(and I believe our world will continue to revolve around this little boy and girl....we already love them so much it literally hurts)
By the way...I am at HOME now from the hospital. I was there for a week and a half. My cervix has still not changed at all, so they feel certain that Jack and Lucy will stay put for a lot longer. I am on full-blown bed-rest now. I can't even go downstairs...I had to pick a floor and stay I picked the floor with a shower! ha My mom is here helping me set all up and Cal is such an angel....everyone is helping so much! I am just so glad to be in my bed with my sheets and more plastic pillows! woohoo
Please pray that these contractions continue to do no harm!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One Wild Ride!

I want to post this, not only for your prayers, but also for my memory. Our little family has been through a whirlwind the past couple of days. I know I posted this before, but I have been having contractions for about a month now. On Thursday, August 5th, the contractions did not make thier usual stop after about 2 hours of having them...they just kept coming. They were not painful, just uncomfortable and my belly got really hard. I called Cal at work and told him that I was going to have to go in to the hospital. They put me on the monitor and immediately tons of people came rushing into my room with needles, steroids, IVs, catheters, and so on... my contractions would NOT stop. They put me on the HIGHEST possible levels of magnessium sulfate and they STILL would not stop. There was talk of moving me to UK, because Central Baptist NICU only accepts babies 28 weeks and above. I was only 26 weeks and 1 day. Cal and I were the most scared that we have ever been in our lives.
The contractions finally started to loosen up and my cervical length was still good and long. I sat in this room on an IV of mag, fluid, antibiotic, catheter, pulse monitor, blood pressure cuff, and scuds on my legs for 2 days...there was no window in the room- Cal and I were literally going crazy! I am not even sure what we did with our time. I think we just stared at the wall. I was moved over to the ante-partem unit on Saturday- which is like a "graduation" from labor and delivery. A big nice room with a WINDOW, computer, refrigerator, DVD player, shower, and all of that fun stuff. ha
It is now August 10 and I am still here and probably will be until mid-August or more. They want to keep me here for sure until I am 28 weeks. I will be 28 weeks next ONE MORE WEEK! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow!!! BIG celebration!
Jack and Lucy are doing great...they are still playing around- great heartrates and they look great on the ultrasound. The ultrasound that we had on Monday proved that my cervix was still good and long with no changes. PRAISE GOD> the Dr. called my contractions, "worthless contractions"- so that made us all feel much better. We are now playing around with meds to stop them...well, not stop them ...but slow them down a bit. So far, I am still having them pretty regular and they are wearing me out- literally! I am exhausted at the end of the day, even though I sat in the bed all day.
I just keep telling myself that I would much rather be the one hooked up to monitors and IVs than Jack and Lucy. They are as happy as they can be right now, and that is the way it needs to stay. Each day that I am here hooked up to all of this junk is one more day that they will not need to be! That is re-assuring.
Please pray for us- pray for our determination and strength, and that God continues to do His will in all of this.